卓越語文社的宗旨是為在學習、工作或業務方面需要正確精準英語及/或漢語的個人及機構提供優質的語文諮詢、指導、培訓和翻譯服務。我們的顧問、導師、翻譯人員有來自香港大學和其他多間大學的殿堂級學者、中英語文教授、星級講師和翻譯專家,他們都經驗豐富,廣受推崇。 Our mission is to provide quality services in language consultation, staff training, translation and copywriting services to individuals and corporations who or which require correct and decent English and Chinese in both written and spoken modes for their studies or businesses. Our advisors, instructors, translators and copywriters include eminent scholars, serving or retired researchers and teaching staff of universities in Hong Kong, as well as established translation professionals. All of them are renowned and revered.